On October 28, 2019, Mr. Tran Cong Phan, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy had a meeting with the delegation of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Korea led by Mr. Lee Doobong, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Korea, Director of the Department of Digital Science Investigation, had a working visit to the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam.
Attending the meeting, there were heads of Office of the Supreme People's Procuracy, Department of Public Prosecution and Supervision over the Investigation Economic Crimes, Department of International Cooperation and Mutual Legal Assitstance in Criminal Matters, Investigation Agency of the Supreme People's Procuracy .
Mr. Tran Cong Phan, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam
had a meeting with Mr. Lee Doobong, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Korea.
Speeching at the meeting, Mr. Tran Cong Phan, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy expressed his pleasure to welcome Mr. Lee Doobong and the delegation to visit and work with the Supreme People's Procuracy; appreciated the cooperative relationship between Viet Nam - South Korea has been strong development in all fields, particularly cooperation in the field of law and justice..
Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy - Tran Cong Phan also updated for the Delegation about the results of the visit and work in Korea of High level delegation of Supreme People's Procuracy headed by H.E Le Minh Tri, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracyin April, 2019. The business trip of H.E Le Minh Tri, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy is within the implementation framework of the MOU between the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam and the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Korea, signed in January 2019. The results of that trip open a new stage of development in the cooperation between the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam and the Korean judicial agencies to be more and more substantive and effective.
Overview of the meeting
The Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy desired, in the future, the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam and the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Korea continue to maintain and exchange delegations at all levels; strengthening the fight against crime, cooperation in training, sharing of experiences, ... especially to share Korean’s experiences in the field of digital investigations, to contribute to further development of Strategic cooperation between Viet Nam - Korea in the new period.
Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy, Tran Cong Phan
and Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Korea, Lee Doongbong
On behalf of the Delegation, Mr. Lee Doobong, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Korea, thanked the enthusiastic and thoughtful welcome of the Supreme People's Procuracy leader. He said that the visit to Vietnam is implement the MOU about strengthening cooperation between the Supreme People's Procuracy and the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Korea; learn about the possibility of setting up a Center for digital investigation of Supreme People's Procuracy; exchanging and sharing experiences in the field of digital investigation; record and record images when interrogated the accused and digitize records.
Two Delegation took souvenir photo
Mr. Lee Doobong affirmed, the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Koreais willing to share their best experiences in all the area, what the Supreme People's Procuracy's interest. He himself in his position will do his best to make an important contribution to making the relationship between the two branches Procuracy - Prosecutor of the two countries more and more practical and effective.