At the invitation of Mr. Le Minh Tri, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam, the delegation of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Hungary, lead by Mr. Péter Polt, Prosecutor General of Hungary had a working visit in Viet Nam between October 31st and November 4th, 2023.
On the afternoon of November 01st, 2023, at the headquarters of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam, Mr. Le Minh Tri, Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam had a meeting with the Hungary delegation.
Mr. Le Minh Tri, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam
received Mr. Péter Polt, Prosecutor General of Hungary
The delegates of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam attended the meeting were Mr. Nguyen Quang Dung, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy; Mr. Tang Ngoc Tuan, Director of Personnel Department (V15); Ms. Vu Thi Hai Yen, Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (V13); Mr. Do Dinh Chu, Director of the Department of Administration and General Affair (VP); Mr. Nguyen Van Khoat, Principal of the University for Prosecutors in Ha Noi city (T2).
The delegation of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Hungary attended the meeting included Mr. Tibor Baloghdi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary in Viet Nam; Mr. Tibor IBolya, Deputy Prosecutor General; Mr. Barna Miskolczi, Head of Department for International and European Affairs, the Office of Prosecutor General of Hungary.
Mr. Le Minh Tri, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam spoke at the meeting
Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Le Minh Tri, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam expressed his pleasure to welcome Mr. Péer Polt and the delegation of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Hungary to visit and work with the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam. The Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam emphasized that this visit to Viet Nam of Mr. Péter Polt hold a very special meaning because 2023 is the year the two countries of Viet Nam and Hungary celebrated 05 year anniversary of establishing a comprehensive partnership (2018 - 2023); he also affirmed that Viet Nam always attaches great importance to the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation with Hungary, consider Hungary as the leading partner of Viet Nam in Central-Eastern Europe.
Mr. Péter Polt, Prosecutor General of Hungary spoke at the meeting
Mr. Le Minh Tri, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam reviewed the results of cooperation between the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam and the Office of the Prosecutor General of Hungary in recent time. Accordingly, the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam and the Office of the Prosecutor General of Hungary signed a Cooperation Agreement on September 26th, 2010 in the capital Budapest. On that basis, the two agencies have implemented the committed contents very effectively, especially cooperation in exchange high-level delegation and human resource training.
Since 2016, the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam has sent 26 students from the University for Prosecutors in Ha Noi city to study Bachelor of Laws at Hungarian Universities. In addition, implementing the Protocol on training cooperation between the two sides, signed in April 2019 in Budapest, Hungary, in 2020 and 2021, 19 officers and prosecutors of the People's Procuracy of Viet Nam had completed an intensive 9-month master's training course on the topic of "Prevention of corruption, money laundering and cybercrime” in Hungary with good results.
Overview of the meeting
In the coming time, the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam looks forward to consulting other countries' experiences in handling non-criminal issues, especially the issue of initiating civil lawsuits in cases where the subject belongs to a vulnerable group of people or cases related to public interests but do not have a representative to file a lawsuit.
Therefore, in order to continue promoting the successful achievements as well as further improving the effectiveness of comprehensive cooperation between the two sides, Mr. Le Minh Tri, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam proposed to continue maintaining the regular contact between the two sides, to effectively implement the contents of the Cooperation Agreement signed in 2010 and the Additional Protocol on cooperation in human resource training. Research to expand and flexibly deploy new forms of cooperation through in-person or online discussions and seminars on topics of mutual interest to both sides or each side has an advantage.

Delegates attending the meeting
Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Péter Polt, Prosecutor General of Hungary thanked the respectful welcome and sincere feelings that the Leaders of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam gave him and the Hungarian delegation. Agreeing with the evaluation content and the direction of cooperation between the two agencies mentioned by the Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam, Mr. Péter Polt believes that the cooperation between Viet Nam - Hungary in general and the cooperation between the two agencies in particular will be constantly strengthened and developed.

Mr. Le Minh Tri, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam
and Mr. Péter Polt, Prosecutor General of Hungary signed the Additional Protocol
to the Cooperation Agreement between the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam
and the Office of the Prosecutor General of Hungary
After the meeting, Mr. Le Minh Tri, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam and Mr. Péter Polt, Prosecutor General of Hungary signed the Additional Protocol to the Cooperation Agreement between the Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam and the Office of the Prosecutor General of Hungary. Accordingly, the Office of the Prosecutor General of Hungary, with available means, will support developing Post-graduate Law Programs in Hungary to update theoretical and practical knowledge of criminal law, criminal procedure, criminology, criminal justice assessment and prevention of cybercrime, corruption and money laundering. The Supreme People's Procuracy of Viet Nam, within its jurisdiction, will send qualified Prosecutors and Prosecutors Assistant to attend Post-graduate Law Programs held in Hungary. the Office of the Prosecutor General of Hungary, through its scientific research institute, the National Institute of Criminology, will manage the professional content included in the Post-graduate Law Programs so that the students participating in the program can receive the most advanced knowledge about the above mentioned crimes and better understand European Union law and judicial system, to serve as a basis for specialized criminal law subjects.
Delegates attending the meeting took souvenir photo
The Protocol takes effect on the date of signing and will remain in effect for the 2024 - 2025 and 2025 - 2026 school years.